ERP for Manufacturing
SAP Business One WebinarERP for Manufacturing
SAP Business One Webinar

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Join us for this webinar to understand why the award winning SAP Business One is so well suited to the needs of a growing manufacturing business.

Join us for this webinar to understand why the award winning SAP Business One is so well suited to the needs of a growing manufacturing business.

ERP for Manufacturing

Duration: 34 Minutes
Format: On-demand webinar that includes software demonstration

What's covered in the webinar?

What's covered in the webinar?

SAP Business One is widely known as one of the "go-to" solutions for small to mid-size manufacturers. In this webinar we introduce two examples of manufactures that chose SAP Business One from LAKE. We describe challenges faced by those companies, before going on to a presentation of key features that attracted them to the solution.

The demonstration includes:

  • Production Order Management
  • Batch Allocation and Traceability
  • Shop Floor data Capture
  • Resource and Capacity Utilisation
  • Dashboards, Analytics, and Reporting

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