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Performance Management
Business Intelligence | Planning & Budgeting

Business Intelligence | Planning & Budgeting

Performance Management systems transform raw data into business intelligence. They combine information from across the enterprise to help you understand what happened, why it happened, what will happen in the future, and what future direction to take.

Performance Management systems transform raw data into business intelligence. They combine information from across the enterprise to help you understand what happened, why it happened, what will happen in the future, and what future direction to take.

Beyond Business Intelligence

The scope of Business Intelligence (BI) software continues to evolve. These systems have ceased to be simply great reporting software, they have grown to become platforms for company wide Performance Management including:

  • Budgeting and forecasting
  • Financial consolidations
  • Workforce budgeting
  • Cost allocations
  • Strategy management
  • Capital planning
  • Business intelligence
  • Risk and compliance


If this is your first time considering Performance Management then you may be wondering what you get for your money. The following benefits are typical:

Eliminate your dependency on spreadsheets
Excel is loved by most finance teams but it has its limitations. It is prone to human error and complex models require advanced skills and detailed documentation. Excel is also essentially a two dimensional canvas and imposes limitations in terms on the number of dimensions you can realistically manage.

Single source of the truth
Performance Management systems combine information from all your business systems in a single platform to support faster and more reliable decision making.

Better insight means more informed decisions
Systems such as Infor EPM do more than present data, they enable you to model your business with pinpoint precision to power more informed decisions.

Improved transparency and compliance
Modern Performance Management systems improve visibility, cut compliance costs and ensure information security.


Comprehensive Analytic Insights

Infor EPM is an innovative enterprise performance management platform that delivers the clearest possible view of past, present and future performance to support your decision making process and help drive business performance.

It gives managers crystal clear visualisations of past, current, and future performance under different scenarios.

And it harnesses their collective insight and knowledge by offering them the opportunity to input, influence and drive the future direction of the business.

With in-context business intelligence capabilities built in, the benefits go far beyond just quick and easy access to data. Infor EPM empowers you to better manage performance, risk, and the impact of decisions right across your organisation.


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Leveraging BI to drive business performance

Learn how to harness valuable, and often latent, data assets that can improve the accuracy and effectiveness of business decisions.

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